BlueFeather Manual

Difference from BlueCloth

Markdown Syntax Extension

BlueFeather has imported some extension of syntax from PHP Markdown Extra -- definition list, table, and others. And that, BlueFeather has been added original extension -- TOC generation and block separator. See the Markdown Syntax Extension.

Change of Interface

require 'bluecloth'

require 'bluefeather'

puts BlueFeather.parse(str)

See the Installing and Basic Usage.

Generating Entire HTML Document

Imported by Maruku, BlueFeather can generate entire html document not only html fragment. And that, document metadata enables to specify title and URL of css-stylesheet.

See the Installing and Basic Usage and Metadata Reference.

Bug Fix to BlueCloth 1.0.0

These bugs are fixed on BlueFeather.

  1. Some Regexp is set encoding of Shift-JIS.
  2. '<>' is not parsed such as mailto-anchor. (ex: GMail alias charcters)
  3. Link id definition indented 4-or-more spaces or tab is not parsed such as code block.
  4. <hr /> indented 4-or-more spaces or tab is not parsed such as code block.

Change of EmptyElementSuffix

BlueCloth output empty element tags, <tag/>. Instead BlueFeather output <tag />.