In NeuronCheck, by use was introduced in Ruby 2.1 “Refinement” function, shorter, making it possible to use a write as if it were integrated with the language. Its function is named NeuronCheckSyntax.

For example, when you do not use the NeuronCheckSyntax, check declaration of arguments and return values are as follows…

require 'neuroncheck'

class Converter
  extend NeuronCheck

  ndecl {
    args String, respondable(:each), [Numeric, nil]
    returns String
  def convert(text, keywords, threshold = nil)
    # (main process)

class Token
  extend NeuronCheck

  ndecl { args String }
  def initialize(name)
    # (main process)

In Ruby2.1 and later, if you run the using NeuronCheckSyntax, can be changed in writing, such as the following.

require 'neuroncheck'
using NeuronCheckSyntax

class Converter
  decl String, respondable(:each), [Numeric, nil] => String
  def convert(text, keywords, threshold = nil)
    # (main process)

class Token
  decl String
  def initialize(name)
    # (main process)

By executing using NeuronCheckSyntax at the head of the file, the following effects will occur only in the file.

  • To extend for each class or module will be unnecessary. This is useful when you want to declare a large number of classes and modules.

  • Rubype like ndecl shorthand syntax can be used. We usually need to declare the args and returns in the block, but in the above code without a block, also declares both arguments and return values at the same time. In addition, the keyword is also available for the declaration, such as any, respondable or except.

  • decl an be used as an alias of ndecl. Similarly declare and sig will also be available as an alias.

typesig and check can not be used as an alias. typesig is due to the conflict with Rubype. check is a common verb, and because there is frequently used as a method name.

Limit in shorthand syntax

In the shorthand syntax of ndecl, there are on the notation limit. When the argument is not, it can not be described as follows.

class Token
  decl => String
  def inspect
    # (main process)

#=> SyntaxError raised

Instead, please declare such as the following.

class Token
  decl [] => String
  def inspect
    # (main process)

# No error.

(NeuronCheck performs a special interpretation for the above description, it is treated as things “zero argument method”)